Friday, July 5, 2013

only 2 months

Our Comenius project is going to finish in 2 months. We can say that it has been a good partnership because we found very good and well-prepared colleagues and students. We moved as we planne: the Italians students moved to Praha and Athens and Italians teachers went to Wolgast, Nancy and Adana. We were well welcomed in every school and enjoyed the time visiting the towns, schools and testing typical food and meeting new people. But, a part of Adana for the preparatory visit and in Wolgast (Germany) as hosts of our german partner. He never joined us during the teachers' meetings, excepting in Nancy for the videos' election, and only sometimes he partecipated on the web (writing emails), but accepting the decisions we had. Our students were unhappies not to meet the Germans in Athens and Praha. Considering that, when they came in Italy on April 2013 they didn't want to meet them, because of they didn't meet them in Praha and Athen, and they didn't partecipate in facebook group created to join more the students. I was sad I wasn't able to meet the colleague too, but unfortunately, as I write to him, I had meeting not planned before and some personal inconvenients when the Germans were in Foligno.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

the winner is...

hally everybody, in nancy we had the winner.
The winner is...
Heart of glass 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hallo everybody,

we have already finished our two videos. we are ready to lunch them on the blog to vote. crossing the fingers, we hope to win... like you!!!!!!!!!!